Monday, June 01, 2009

Milk Day in Sunway Pyramid

It was just another can consider quiet weekend. My parents came down for a short while as my mother had a meeting here. They left on Saturday and I went with Tommy to pick Stephie from LCCT. Oh my, it was a "memorable" journey =.=

It was just another Saturday night where nothing much happen as we do our usual routine which is dinner, hang around a bit and went to the arcade. We got home kinda early but somehow I slept like very early in the morning. I woke up early as I receive a sms and did my laundry before going back to sleep. I was then waken up by Tommy when he threw a pillow HARD at me =.= There was a short pillow fight before I got up and got ready to go out.

Today, there was an event in Pyramid called World Milk Day where Dutch Lady is doing a roadshow here. The cruisers were there to help promote the occasion. When we reached, we met Ken and Adrian from cruiser and hang around with them for a while. So happen, there was a game going-on and needed some volunteers. Adrian and Ken were fast to suggest Tommy up and have people to ensure he goes up on stage. The game: Dance and perform for the crowd =.= The funniest part was when the host asked Tommy his occupation, he answered, "Office boy." =.= Adrian and Ken were like =.= as they know what is his real occupation.


They manage to get another 2 volunteers and Tommy then was asked to perform first. Oh my!!! I have nothing to say. They were then judged and given prizes. What prize??? Isn't it obvious??? Isn't it world milk day??? So the prizes are related to MILK!!! Hahaha...They each got a few packets of Dutch Lady Low Fat milk as prizes ^_^ After that, it was the cruisers who were asked on stage where they played the Moo-ing game. It was funny. In the end, I got a free packet milk too. Many thanks to Adrian and Ken.

Stephie, me and Tommy then head to Gasoline to have our lunch before heading to the arcade to kill some time. The cruiser would only start their event at 5.45pm. When it was 5.30pm, we headed down to the entrance of Pyramid to wait for the event but there was some other activities going on. There was this game where mothers' were asked to take out the things from their handbag and line them up to form a line. The items have to be touching one another when forming the line. Oh my, one contestant have so many papers that she can make a line from one end of Pyramid to the other =.= Some contestant who can't form a long line started to lay down on the ground to make their line longer but they still can't out-do the other contestant who had like endless items in her handbag =.=

Mary loving the milk
After that game, it was time for to start their show. It started with the Q&A session followed by games where Mary participated. She has to do the opposite of what she was told to do. The catch is Adrian would be there to distract her and the other contestant to confuse them. Hahaha...But Mary is good. She won the game ^_^ After the game, there was another Q&A session then followed by the last game which is, "The Superhero Game." There were 11 contestants where 5 were adults and 6 young kids. The kids are adorable as they would be trying their hardest to win. But Ken was there to bully them as he tries hard to confuse them =.= But in the end, I forgot who won but it was a showdown between a little girl and a man =.=

Hahaha...that is how our day was like. But we end it with BBQ plaza for dinner then a few rounds of arcade games ^_^ But dinner in BBQ Plaza was hilarious this time as Tommy was sitting in front of the plate of raw meat. He took a piece of raw chicken and dip it into the sauce. He then put it into his mouth without realizing it is raw TWICE. I do not know how he realized it but it was funny ^_^

Favorite dish in BBQ Plaza

Tommy with the BBQ Plaza Mascot