Sunday, April 13, 2008

Driving Without Lights

I went out with Shirley for supper earlier for she has this craving for Roti Telur Bawang. She came and pick me finally ^_^ Her driving is ok but a bit scary at first. She drove to Pelita at first but then we end up in Rafi's for Pelita doesn't have any available parking.

We then sat there to have our supper. I had a Murtabak Ayam. We waited for quite sometime before the food arrive. Shirley then ordered a Roti Kosong and a Roti Telur to take away. The take away order was done when we finish our food. We then went and pay for our meal as Shirley needs her sleep.

We then head back to the car and Shirley drove me back. As we reach the junction to turn in, there was an oncoming car which was quite fast. Shirley was like undecided to turn but suddenly turn in as the cas closed in. That was scary. When I was about to tell her that, I realize that she didn't turn on her headlights.

Oh my goodness! I can't believe she forgot to turn on her lights. What is scarier is when she suddenly turn in the junction, the oncoming car might not have realize her. Damn.... What an experience sitting in Shirley's car with her driving for the very first time -_-"

1 comment:

Sparkling Sapphire said...

forgot ma... sorry loh... next time try to remember lahhh...