It has been a long time since I last saw Kean Leng as he is working in Indonesia. Senan message me on Thursday night to ask me if I'm free to watch Star Trek as Kean Leng would be back for the WEEKEND only. Ya, it is a short time to catch up with him so I agree as I have no plans till evening with Tommy and the others.
Saturday morning, I went for breakfast with Roger and Lily as I had something to settle with Lily and Roger have not tried the famous pork noodles in SS15. After breakfast, Senan came to pick me, Jason and his mother to Midvalley for the movie. When we arrive, we head to Fong Lye restaurant for lunch. It was a rush one as we were rushing for the movie. Kean Leng met us there after settling things in the office. His dad came too. (Forgot to mention that Kean Leng and Jason are siblings) We too have a very special guest appearance for lunch. Yes, Mr King and Rainbow (hopefully the Queen in future). We had a quick but enjoyable lunch before heading for the movie.
The movie was good. I'm not a die heart fan of Star Trek but it is good ^_^ After the movie, Jason was paranoid as there was something poking him at his pants. After checking, it is a pin which was with his pants that was poking him =.= Once that was settled, we went to MPH to meet Kean Leng's parents. I hang out there a while before excusing myself as Tommy came to pick me from Midvalley.
Me and Tommy then hang out at my place till Mary finishes class at 5.30pm. While at my place, I manage to make Tommy shave his unshave beard =.= We then head off to pick Mary and Roger and head down to Times Square. We went to the arcade where it is my first time to step on the Pump It Up (PIU) machine. It is cool but I still think DDR is nicer as I'm not familiar with the PIU machine. After playing for a while, we then went to Gasoline to eat. (I know...I'm always in Gasoline =.=) The service was okay but the decoration is a bit different from the one in Pyramid. Hahaha...
After dinner, we sat there playing with handphone game. Tommy was playing tennis on my phone while I was playing Paris Hilton on his phone. In the end, we have both our phones low in battery =.= We were busy playing the game while Mary and Roger was with their friends who just arrive, Gavin, Lynsey and Chi Yin. After me and Tommy is satisfied with the game, we head off to Krispy Kreme for donuts. Hehehe... Yes, I'm addicted to it ^_^ While queueing to get my donuts, I saw Raymond and Tai Yin walking down from the upper floor of Krispy Kreme. Unfortunately, Raymond ate all the donut and didn't leave any for me =.=
Saturday morning, I went for breakfast with Roger and Lily as I had something to settle with Lily and Roger have not tried the famous pork noodles in SS15. After breakfast, Senan came to pick me, Jason and his mother to Midvalley for the movie. When we arrive, we head to Fong Lye restaurant for lunch. It was a rush one as we were rushing for the movie. Kean Leng met us there after settling things in the office. His dad came too. (Forgot to mention that Kean Leng and Jason are siblings) We too have a very special guest appearance for lunch. Yes, Mr King and Rainbow (hopefully the Queen in future). We had a quick but enjoyable lunch before heading for the movie.
The movie was good. I'm not a die heart fan of Star Trek but it is good ^_^ After the movie, Jason was paranoid as there was something poking him at his pants. After checking, it is a pin which was with his pants that was poking him =.= Once that was settled, we went to MPH to meet Kean Leng's parents. I hang out there a while before excusing myself as Tommy came to pick me from Midvalley.
Me and Tommy then hang out at my place till Mary finishes class at 5.30pm. While at my place, I manage to make Tommy shave his unshave beard =.= We then head off to pick Mary and Roger and head down to Times Square. We went to the arcade where it is my first time to step on the Pump It Up (PIU) machine. It is cool but I still think DDR is nicer as I'm not familiar with the PIU machine. After playing for a while, we then went to Gasoline to eat. (I know...I'm always in Gasoline =.=) The service was okay but the decoration is a bit different from the one in Pyramid. Hahaha...
After dinner, we sat there playing with handphone game. Tommy was playing tennis on my phone while I was playing Paris Hilton on his phone. In the end, we have both our phones low in battery =.= We were busy playing the game while Mary and Roger was with their friends who just arrive, Gavin, Lynsey and Chi Yin. After me and Tommy is satisfied with the game, we head off to Krispy Kreme for donuts. Hehehe... Yes, I'm addicted to it ^_^ While queueing to get my donuts, I saw Raymond and Tai Yin walking down from the upper floor of Krispy Kreme. Unfortunately, Raymond ate all the donut and didn't leave any for me =.=
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