Tommy was there early while I went there later with Jolyn. It was pack but not that pack. When I arrive, there were question and answer session by JJ and Ean. There were a lot of small kids around who were very excited to win goodies from JJ and Ean. Without saying, Tommy won a lot of things too which include 2 passes to watch Up premiering on that day itself.
I did try my luck too and won another 2 passes but we gave them back 1 pass as there were only 3 of us. When it was about time to fly Ean up, the sponsor which was an ice-cream company (sorry I forgot which ice cream it was) decided to give us free ice cream as they were there promoting their new flavor ice cream.
When it was time to fly Ean up, it took a while as the initial balloon they think can lift him up was not enough. In the end, there were 900 over balloons needed. It was cool where he was lifted off ground. JJ follow suit after Ean. Once they are done, everyone was given a change to go on the balloon. Oh ya, it is not the original size helium balloons but 5 times the normal size =.=
Tommy had fun going on the balloon. After his ride, we head off to have our lunch before hitting the cinema. The cinema was very comfortable ^_^ but cold =.= The movie was nice as it talk about life. When we are young, we have dreams of an adventure. As we grow old, our idea of adventure changes. The old man still thought his beloved wife's dream adventure is to be in a place far far away but it was the journey through life with him which was the adventure she cherish.
But there is also a lesson learn in the movie too. Being too obsess with something can make you think unreasonable things. And to proof you are right, you end up making enemies and think that everyone is out to make you look bad. To live a paranoid life is miserable till you may think an innocent people is out to destroy you.
This is something I learn and hope I can get rid of my paranoid and learn not to care too much what people say about me but believe in myself. I need to give myself confidence back when I lost it all.
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