Friday, September 17, 2010

My Birthday 2010

I had a gathering with my friends, Melanie, Daniel, Meng Sang, Chewy and Tim to celebrate my birthday. We had dinner at Manhattan Fish Market followed by dessert in Krispy Creme. Below are the donuts we had XD

Half a Dozen of Donuts XD
I had a surprise birthday celebration this year. I have to thank my sister, Janet, Chewy and Natalie for making the surprise celebration. I have to thank Bernard Leong too for giving me a cup full of chocolates from Famous Amos ^_^ Below are some pictures 

Winnie the Pooh Balloon from Chewy

Froggie from Janet - She hopes it turn into Prince Charming XD
Cute Squirrel I got for myself
Flowers and a Teddy Bear from my Sister and Chewy
Chocolates in a cup from Bernard
All 3 together ^_^
I nearly forgot, my Birthday Lunch with Melanie at Tony Roma's in Pyramid. Thank you Melanie for the nice meal ^_^

The Bread
The Soup
Main Course - Fish and Chips
Main Course - Chicken

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