Normally there would be less social event when we start to work but it seems like my department is very happening. Andrew was generous and he asks us over to his place for BBQ. It isn't free as we pay for our own share of unlimited delicious food ^_^
The BBQ starts at 7pm but I was late as usual. Lucky not that late till being labelled 'Dial-up' ^_^ There wasn't that many people who was there that time as they just started the fire to BBQ. Adi, Monica, Earl and Andrew spend the day shopping for the stuff and also marinating the chicken. It seems that they also bought 4 cartons of Tiger beer for the BBQ -_-" That is a lot to drink for a night for like 20 people. Besides that, there was a photo shot happening there by the pool area also.

Throughout the whole night, Earl was cooking the chicken wings and also the lambs. I can say the lamb was so delicious that I just kept eating it. The chicken was also nicely cook and it isn't burnt. Unlike the first round where someone else besides Earl was cooking it. Other than chicken wings and lambs, there was chicken meat, oyster, baby potato and mash-mallow. Our added bonus for the night was the bottle of Black Label ^_^We were all having fun eating and chatting till Jeremy announce he has to leave for he has to go for a massage in Puchong. Hmmm...wonder what massage. Then Tony followed him as he needs to go home. Then Harikumar and Bobby arrive. Mathuran was the last to arrive so he got the title 'Dial-up' ^_^ He was then punish to drink but he can't drink -_-"
What we did the whole night was eat, talk and drink till we drop. The first to drop was Harikumar where he puked after downing11 cans or beers. I think it wasn't his day as he was not that happy when he down non-stop. But he did clean up himself after that.
At the end, we help clean up the area and we hit off to the mamak for a quick drink before we head home. It was at the mamak where Harikumar puke more but this time, we got the camera ready ^_^ Hahaha...I was stone as I was high on alcohol ^_^ At the end, we had lots of fun and I wonder how many more activity like this would be held as the department is closing =(
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