Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Hulk

It was just my second week there and they have organize a movie night. It seems that the department would organize some activity once every fort-night. Isn't it cool ^_^ This round, which is also my first outing with the DLinkers, is movie night where we went and watch The Hulk in GSC, Pavillion.

I remember I was in training with Eddie on RMA procedures when Andrew came in and told Eddie that they cannot book movie tickets with Raymond's credit card. I think someone say Raymond cross his limit -_-" So Eddie got to take time off to book the tickets. Unfortunately Eddie didn't have a GSSC account so he has to create an account and with the slow internet connectivity, it was like a long break from training for me ^_^

Once Eddie has register and place the movie to watch and in which cinema, he has to choose the seating and it took him a while as he and Andrew were like planning the seatings. The look on their face as they plan == evil!!! They book one whole row for us and a couple seat for Ramesh and his girlfriend while Eddie sat behind all of us monitoring us -_-" This is like a manager and staff outing where the manager is overlooking us -_-"

One thing I can conclude, where is there a manager who treats you equally and would not use his position on you. Besides that, he is out-going and joke around with everyone in his team ^_^ It is like a saying, "One for all, all for one!" Hehehe... It was a really fun outing as after the movie we went to hunt for food in Pavillion. Eddie was our tour guide to look for food but in the end, we can't find the place and we got lost. It was then everyone vote to go home as it was 10pm. Hahaha...A long day after work where we head off to a movie to unwind. It is really a very nice day and a memoriable first outing with my teammates in my department ^_^

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