Thursday, January 10, 2008

Day 4 in Kuching

Today I woke up extra early but not early enough as Merlye has to call me up ^_^ It was raining in the morning so it was a cold and wet morning. Merlye was jokingly saying that because I'm going home today and Kuching do not want me to leave so it rained -_-"

Once we were ready, we head off for breakfast eating their local mee. It was delicious and I can say, it taste better than Wan Tan Mee ^_^ Then I had a 'teh si peng' and it was good. I think I drank the most tea when I'm in Kuching. At least the worst was in Kaya and Toast which was damn bitter and hard to drink.

After breakfast we went to Merlye's church to check on Baptism dates for Brenda. The schedule was not out yet so we went to the book store in the church. There are a lot of things there but mostly are in Chinese so I have limited choices what to buy. Merlye got me a book there. Thank you Merlye ^_^ While I found a cute book which I bought for Brenda. Merlye, remember to read it to Brenda ^_^

We then head off to Vivi boutique. When we reach there, it wasn't open yet so we went to Tokyo collection to see the clothes. Oh my, I feel so old there for the clothes are for younger people. Then Merlye went to buy her favourite food of all time, bread. Hahaha...When we came out of the bakery, Vivi boutique just open and we were treated very well by the owner ^_^ It is such an honour.

I went through the racks but there isn't anything that interest me for my taste is simple but unique. Hahaha...I found 2 tops but they make me look fat. There was one more which I like but it was tight at the wrong part. Finally I saw a simple but plain top and tried it. It look good but there was something missing. I decided to buy it and come back Kuala Lumpur to find either a belt or a shawl to tie round my waist.

Merlye on the other hand found a dress which looks good on her. She told me that is her new year dress ^_^ After paying and chit chat a while with the owner we left for time is limited. I have to catch my flight at 1.55pm. It was 11.30am when we were done shopping. We then head off for lunch. We went to an Italian restaurant where we order appetizers for we are still full ^_^ and 2 cups of tea. It was then Merlye told me that drink tea can lose weight. I think I would drink tea more often but not at night as I can't sleep.

Lunch was wonderful. When we left, it was closing to 12.30pm and we have to rush. We have one more stop before I go back to collect my luggage. We stop by Green Gallery for Merlye need to get a gift for her aunt. After purchasing the gift, we rush back to the car and head home. We got back and I have to put what I just bought into my luggage. My my my...I came with 2 bags and I'm going back with 2 bags and 2 boxes ^_^

Thank goodness the airport is just 5 minutes drive from Merlye's place. I got there in no time and went to check-in. The queue was long and service was slow but manage to check-in in time. I only have 5 minutes left to spend with Merlye before I head in to immigration.


I have a heavy heart to leave her. It has been so long we last been together and now I have to leave again. But we would be meeting for Chinese New Year and I would be visiting her again also. It was exciting 4 days and I hope we can do it again and have more fun. Besides that, it would be fun to see
Brenda growing up ^_^

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