Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Teddy Bear

You might think what on earth am I writing about teddy bear. It is actually nothing. It is a thoughtful gift from Colleen. Colleen is my sister's ex roommate who eventually I became freinds with. My birthday was 4 days ago and she didn't give me any gifts but a testimonial in friendster. Gifts doesn't matter but the thought of it is always the best.

She came to pyramid with her other two housemates to buy things. So happen they came and visit me at Mac Asia where I work part time. I was feeling hungry and was lazy to go down to buy Aunty Anne's pretzel. I asked her to help me buy. Besides that, I was being cheeky and ask her where is my overdue present from her.

When she came back, there was a teddy bear with the pretzel ^_^ I never thought she would actually buy me a gift.
I thought I just say it but eventually we would forget bout it. It was a pleasant surprise and I am very happy.

Who Am I?

Have you ever question yourself who you are? It's strange when we ask ourselves that but do we know who we are? Most of us know who we are but there are some who are confused. How can we be confused?

We are confused for we allow outside influence to influence ourselves. We have doubt on who we are and we depend on others to tell us who we are. We depend on their opinion to be someone likable by everyone. But can we be liked by everyone? The answer is, it depends on each individual themselves.

There are some of us who "build" their character according to what people would like them to be but not who they are comfortable to be. It's like wearing a mask everywhere you go. You can't be who you are and there would be times when you wonder if this is really you or not.

The fear of showing who we really are are due to a few reasons. Among them are low self-esteem, which then lower our self confidence. Other than that is to get approval from people you would like to be with. The one most important question is, do we love ourselves enough to show who we really are and be proud of who we are?


Welcome to my new and refresh blog. Hope that it would bring interesting stories and other goodies. As you can see my blog is currently dull and empty. Please be patience as I would be reconstructing the look and would add interesting stories here. Thank you for you cooperation and enjoy reading ^o^